Sunday, June 3, 2012

BOW Nephrons

The Nephron is the main unit of the kidney. Its main job is to regulate the concentration of water and substances such as sodium and salts by filtering the blood, regaining the nutrients and proteins( of which the body needs) by reabsorbing it ad expelling the waste in the form of urine. The nephron starts by filtering out the blood. The distal and proximal tube will then slowly bring back in the nutrients such as calcium, chloride, proteins, etc that the body needs. Whatever if left goes to the ureter then gets send to the bladder in which it is urinated out. The nephron capsule filters urea, water, glucose, and salts from the capillary, and sends them through the tubule. Then the tubule re-absorbs water and glucose back into the blood, and carries what is left over urine to the ureter. Urine is made up of a a mixture of urea, water, and salts. The three main parts of the nephron is the Glomerular capsule, Henle's loop, and Collection tube.

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